Peacock System – Acoustic Semi-Concealed Carrier System

Peacock System – Acoustic Semi-Concealed Carrier System

Endafon Peacock panels are semi-hidden type with square edges for partially concealed T24 grid system with easily demountable tiles.

  • Absorption class A
  • Painted edges
Edge Detailpeacock1
SizeThickness can be 20/40 mm with various sizes.
Fire ResistanceThe glass wool core of the tiles is tested and classified as non-combustible according to EN ISO 1182.
Europe _ Standard : EN 13501-1 _ Class : A2-s1,d0
Acoustic PerformanceSound absorption value can reach up to 1.00
Humidity ResistanceAccording to EN 13964:2014 Class C, RH 95% and 30°C
CleanabilityDaily dusting and vacuum cleaning. Weekly wet wiping.
System weightThe weight of the system (including suspension grid) should be approximately 3-4 kg/m².
AccessibilityThe tiles are demountable.